One year ago, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Air Cadets moved to a model of delivering training virtually.
This has been very challenging year for staff (and cadets!) but we are proud to see so many of our cadets engage virtually with us and complete parts of the progressive training syllabus. It is only when you reflect on the past 12 months you realise how much our cadets have achieved! Below is a flavour of the activities we have undertaken over the past 12 months.
The staff of 132 (North Berwick) Squadron would like to thank all of our cadets and their families for their unwavering support over the past 12 months. We sincerely hope that we can return to some normality soon!
Cadets and staff had to try and hide in plain sight using their training.

Some were good and some were not so good!!
During 2020 the squadron delivered many classroom based lessons that led cadets to achieving various classifications upgrades.

Blue Leadership
Some of our junior cadets have been taking part in the blue leadership courses. Although they haven’t been able to do the practical exercises they have been practising their SMEAC briefings and recieving feedback.
Shooting Courses
Cadets have been completing e-learning modules on the cadet weapons systems. The staff have been training too. As 132 prepares to be a shooting hub staff have been on training courses to allow us to safely store weapons and ammunition.
ATP Blue Wings
5 of our cadets have completed ground school training. This will allow them to get to the flying stage quicker!
Bronze and Silver Cyber Courses
Many of our cadets have worked through the bronze and silver cyber courses.
Guest Speakers
Over the past 12 months our cadets have taken part in many interesting guest speaker events. These have ranged from Air Ambulance to past cadets who entered the armed forces and telling stories about their experinces.
In December We Returned to Face to Face Activity!

But then in Januray we had to close down again 🙁
Trekking Events
In December 2020 we managed to hold a few trekking events around the local area. This was valuable face to face time outdoors with our cadets before the January 2021 lockdown. We can now go back to trekking and have an event planned for 12th April 2021.
Sergeant Fergus McClintock became Flight Sergeant Fergus McClintock in recognition of his service to the squadron, pipes and drums and his tenure as Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet.